As told to Shona Hendley.

A few months ago, my partner, Nathan* and I were in bed together having one of those sporadic, intimate conversations, sharing our feelings openly and honestly.

It was one of those understated, unplanned moments that seemed romantic, beautiful and like something you would look back on in years to come and smile about fondly.

We lay there, intertwined, discussing our own relationship and the stage we were currently in, how everything seemed as it should be and that for us it was just perfect. It was like one of those movie scenes – an incidental, yet profound moment that unexpectedly brings characters even closer together that before; making them unbreakable.

Watch: Relationship deal breakers. Post continues below.

Nathan and I have been together for two years and throughout that time we had always seemed in step with each other, at the same point on the same page with everything, especially (I had thought) in how we viewed our relationship – where it was and where it was going.